Pilot once asked Jesus, What is truth? However, he never waited to get an answer even though Jesus told him that He came into the world to bear witness to the truth that He was a king. And Revelation 1:6 says, he made us kings and priests unto God and His Father.
Jesus once said that if we continued in the truth, meaning the doctrine that He taught, it would set us free. Truth then is the Word of God. the Christ, the saving and redeeming power of God.
An important aspect of Jesus’s teaching is His invitation to prove that what He taught was
true. He himself proved the truth of His own teaching which He claimed came from God, the
Father. He healed the sick, raised the dead, protected from harm, and even overcame death
This is the Science of Christ, so Christian Science is not just asking us to believe their teaching
but to prove it. We must prove that God will heal us of our sins and diseases spiritually; we
must prove that God will protect us from violence; we must prove that God will provide
abundantly for us; and we must prove that God will bring harmony into our human relationships
through prayer alone.
Above all, we must prove that we can heal the sick just as Jesus and the apostles did for the
teaching is based on spiritual laws. This is what makes truth applicable at all times. This is the
Science of Christianity: this is Christian Science.
Cited Sources:
Bible: Jn 14:12 ; Matt 7:7 ,21; Jn 17:20-21; Mk 16:17-18; Acts 5:12
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: p.38:10-20; p.31
Ch. 6 p.107-164, especially page 138